My Wet Panties

Wet panties?

Unforgettable girlfriend experience daftaex › OB GYN. No. It sounds like a vaginal discharge. The symptoms of urinary incontinence are very specific and it does not sound like what you have. For the last week or so, I've noticed when I go to the bathroom that my underwear is I peed a little bit in it. The purpose of this study was to investigate the significance of wet underwear and to compare any influence of fibre-type material and textile construction. Me and my husband both smelled my shorts and panties and it doesn't smell like urine. Baby is currently moving like crazy now that I put a pad.


Woke up with wet panties and shorts - March Babies | Forums | What to Expect Wearing a wet underwear for too long can do this to your vaginal health.

Rhoooo le cochon sans gene lol Woke up with wet panties and shorts socks sex. At 10am I went to the loo to get dressed, looked down and realised my underwear appeared quite wet, felt the back of my pjs slightly damp too. › OB GYN. Me and my husband both smelled my shorts and panties and it doesn't smell like urine. Baby is currently moving like crazy now that I put a pad. For the last week or so, I've noticed when I go to the bathroom that my underwear is I peed a little bit in it. I'm 20 weeks and a couple times during the day my underwear will be wet like in the photo. No texture (like discharge) and it looks clear to me.

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